ENVI - PAK has once again received the GREEN BRANDS quality seal. Experts appreciated the progress in CSR and emission reduction within the business

ENVI - PAK has successfully passed the GREEN BRANDS revalidation and the Austrian experts have awarded us the quality seal again. In particular, the jury highlighted the positive nationwide impact of our activities on municipal waste policy and systematic education in the field of sustainability. We are delighted to be the first star in the GREEN BRANDS programme of sustainable and responsible business brands.
As a brand, we received the GREEN BRANDS quality award based on an independent, transparent and respected three-stage process, which included a thorough audit, and we are the only PRO in Slovakia that has managed to receive this award.
"The producer responsibility organisation ENVI-PAK has been synonymous in Slovakia for several years with effective waste management solutions at both municipal and corporate level. It has also been very effective and successful in educating the general and professional public on sustainability issues. That is why I am very pleased that the brand has confirmed its high standards in our audit for the second time and has pushed them even further and received the GREEN BRANDS Slovakia award," said András Wiszkidenszky, Regional Director of GREEN BRANDS for the Central Europe region.
Praise from the international jury
The GREEN BRANDS Slovakia 2025/2026 Seal is awarded to brands for two years after a careful assessment by an expert jury, which is a key part of the evaluation process and a guarantor of expertise and independence. This is the second time that the ENVI - PAK brand has been awarded the GREEN BRANDS title, and therefore we can use the one-star seal. "Sustainability is not just a recent trend for us. On the contrary. It is a long-term attitude of the company, which we see as a necessity, we constantly support and develop it not only within the company, but also externally. This makes us all the more pleased to have received the international Green Brands award for the second time, and with an even better result than last time. We are especially pleased that Austrian experts have appreciated our progress in CSR and emission reduction within the business," explained Hana Nováková, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors and CEO of ENVI - PAK PRO.
About the GREEN BRANDS programme
The GREEN BRANDS quality seal, registered as a certification mark throughout the EU, evaluates brands based on a three-stage process that includes a thorough brand audit. This assesses the impact of their business on the environment and sustainable development. The GREEN BRAND seal of quality, awarded to brands for two years after a thorough assessment by an expert jury, which is a key part of the assessment process and a guarantor of expertise and independence. The jury is made up of eminent personalities from the fields of sustainability, ecology and media. GREEN BRANDS was founded in 2007 by Norbert Lux and today operates successfully in nine European countries, including Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic.