The Waste Act imposes an obligation on producers and importers of packaged products, as well as products made of paper, plastics, or glass, to take responsibility for them and take care of them even when they become waste. The producer responsibility organisation (PRO) ENVI - PAK helps producers comply with their obligations in a convenient, transparent, and efficient way.
We appreciate your trust, we are an award-winning company

Extended producer responsibility obliges producers to take care of their products throughout their life cycle, including when they become waste. All producers of packaging and non-packaging products have this obligation.

We finance the separate collection of municipal waste in cities and municipalities on behalf of producers of packaging and non-packaging products. We pay the costs directly to the relevant waste collection company without any additional administrative burden on the municipality.
Many years of experience and expertise
Collection, sorting, recycling, waste management
Responsible approach to waste
Individualized waste management strategies
"We try to be a role model and we want to promote the good name of IKEA and minimize the negative impact of our activities via actions promoting environmental protection and through our social projects. One example of IKEA’s responsible environmental attitude is its involvement in the Pan-European GREEN DOT system. This system enables us to use the GREEN DOT registered trademark on the packages of all IKEA products. Thanks to the GREEN DOT system our Company has a guarantee of separate packaging waste collection, recovery and recycling, and last but not least, of environmental education of the Slovak population and promotion of separate waste collection in municipalities. Our cooperation with ENVI-PAK as the operator of the GREEN DOT system in Slovakia is a guarantee that our objectives in this field shall be met."
"Orange Slovensko has been working with ENVI-PAK since 2004. This partnership has helped us for several years not just to meet the legislative requirements, but also to contribute to environmental protection that is an important attribute of our responsible business. As a socially responsible Company we appreciate the professional service and consulting provided by ENVI-PAK. Our mutual cooperation helps us meet objectives in the field of recycling, thus providing the packages of our products, gift packs and our magazine wrappings with yet another chance."
"At Nestlé we do all we can to be friendly to the environment. This includes our responsibility for the packages of our products after their life cycle. In Slovakia, the authorized organization ENVI-PAK takes care of our packaging waste collection, recovery and recycling. ENVI-PAK has developed a modern European packaging waste management scheme that is based on a shared responsibility of subjects involved in the waste management chain: from packaging producers, retailers, customers, collection companies to recycling companies. We realize that the association of obliged persons in an authorized organization is a guarantee of their compliance with their regulatory duties in relation to packaging, thus preventing the introduction of environmental taxes and/or fees. Authorized organizations at the same time conduct awareness campaigns and play a preventative role by motivating obliged persons to be socially responsible in doing their business."
"Xella Slovensko is a leading manufacturer of construction materials with success achieved not just in business with a positive response and interest of the general public, but also in implementing our non-commercial projects that express our Company’s social responsibility. One of these projects is our involvement in the GREEN DOT system aiming at environmental protection. From the beginning of its operation Xella Slovensko has declared that its products are not only state of the art in terms of technology, but at the same time friendly to the environment. Since June 2007 this effort has been reflected in our participation in the GREEN DOT system. Xella Slovensko through the authorized organization ENVI-PAK takes part in a system with precisely defined rules of take-back, recovery and recycling of packaging waste that is fully in line with the European Directive 94/62/EC concerning packages and packaging waste. Xella Slovensko has been granted a license to use the GREEN DOT pictorial trademark by ENVI-PAK that is the only entity in Slovakia authorized to license companies to use this registered trademark."

"Henkel – A Brand like a Friend. This slogan emphasizes our commitment to make people’s life easier, better and more beautiful through Henkel brands and technologies. At the same time Henkel is a brand friendly to the environment with an understanding of sustainable development as a positive impact of today’s decisions on life in the future. We appreciate that we have ENVI-PAK for a strong and responsible partner in the field of compliance with our packaging waste take-back duties. Its international background is a guarantee of a high-quality and flexible professional service to us. We appreciate the awareness-raising campaigns of ENVI-PAK aimed at education of the general public in the field of separate waste collection."
"We bottle our products in various packages based on our customers’ preferences including glass bottles, aluminum cans, combined and plastic packages. An important element of environmental protection is the sorting and recycling of these packages, and therefore packages of all our beverages are recyclable. Packaging waste makes up approximately 30% of all municipal waste. Our objective is to meet the European Directive 94/62 EC on packages and packaging waste that imposes on the Member States packaging waste recycling and recovery limits. We meet our duties in this field in cooperation with the authorized organization ENVI-PAK and we are one of its founding members. ENVI-PAK meets and even far exceeds the packaging waste recycling and recovery limits on our behalf. We are aware that it would be virtually impossible to meet the packaging waste recycling and recovery limits without a thorough waste separation in the municipalities. We are happy that last year ENVIPAK introduced a scheme to promote separate packaging waste collection and it is going to co-finance it with the municipalities. We believe that over the next few years this scheme will help Slovakia to compete with the other EU countries with the highest recycling rates."

We are a producer responsibility organisation with the longest history of operation in Slovakia. ENVI - PAK was founded in 2003 by leading producers of packaged products. Since then, we have been providing separate waste collection, recovery, and recycling. We became a producer responsibility organisation (PRO) on 1 July 2016 after the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic granted us authorisation for packaging and non-packaging products on 20 April 2016. We are a producer responsibility organisation with the longest history of operation in Slovakia.

GREEN DOT is a registered trademark. Packaging marked with the GREEN DOT trademark belongs to separate waste collection. The GREEN DOT scheme is the most widespread method of use of secondary raw materials from municipal waste in Europe.
The management of the producer responsibility organisation ENVI - PAK is shared equally and exclusively by the packaging producers:

ENVI - PAK is the first PRO in Slovakia to be awarded by the global rating platform EcoVadis
The Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) ENVI - PAK has been awarded a silver award for sustainability and social responsibility by the rating organisation EcoVadis. This makes us the first CSO in Slovakia to receive the award, and this rating places us among the top 15% of companies assessed by EcoVadis standards.

ENVI - PAK has once again received the GREEN BRANDS quality seal. Experts appreciated the progress in CSR and emission reduction within the business
ENVI - PAK has successfully passed the GREEN BRANDS revalidation and the Austrian experts have awarded us the quality seal again. In particular, the jury highlighted the positive nationwide impact of our activities on municipal waste policy and systematic education in the field of sustainability. We are delighted to be the first star in the GREEN BRANDS programme of sustainable and responsible business brands.

ENVI - PAK for the eighth time in the company of Superbrands
For the eighth time in a row, the expert members of the Brand Council of the Superbrands programme ranked OZV ENVI - PAK among the strongest and most valuable brands.

Christmas wish
On behalf of ENVI - PAK we wish you a peaceful Christmas holidays and may the new year 2025 be full of professional and personal success.