ENVI - PAK received the VIA BONA Slovakia Corporate Responsibility Award 2010

Via Bona Slovakia is a prestigious award with which the Pontis Foundation annually expresses public recognition to companies and entrepreneurs who develop corporate philanthropy and responsible business in Slovakia. The aim of socially responsible business is to do business in such a way that the processes and results of business benefit a wide range of people.
The Responsible Business section also awards the Green Award for an environmental project. For 2010, it was awarded to the authorised organisation ENVI - PAK, which was nominated for a project of direct financial support for separate collection in more than 800 towns and villages in Slovakia.
Thanks to the direct financial support and consultancy of the authorised organisation ENVI - PAK, it was possible to support separate collection in more than 800 towns and villages in Slovakia, to educate the population in the field of waste sorting and to set up local integrated systems of separate collection efficiently.
The nominees in the Green Award category were ENVI - PAK, IKEA Bratislava, KOSIT, Orange Slovakia, Slovenské elektrárne, SLOVNAFT, Slovak Gas Industry, UniCredit Bank Slovakia, Východoslovenská energetika.
Hana Nováková, General Director of ENVI - PAK, received the award from the hands of Daphne Bergsma, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Slovakia.