Thanks to you, as every year, we have fulfilled the legal obligation and, in accordance with the legislation in force, submitted the summary reports for 2019 to the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic. As a result of our joint efforts, we managed to collect more than 230,000 tonnes of waste in 2019, which has contributed significantly to improving of the environment in Slovakia.
We delivered the following to the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic and to the Co-ordination Center KC - OBALY, družstvo:
• Report of non-packaging products introduced in the market of the Slovak Republic and the level of recovery and recycling of waste from non-packaging products.
• Report of packaging introduced in the market of the Slovak Republic and of the level of the meeting of the waste packaging recovery and recycling duty.
• Report of packaging waste collection.
All reports contain information on the amounts of packaging and non-packaging products placed on the market in the Slovak republic by the producers represented by PRO ENVI - PAK. The reports according to the Waste Act list the exact quantities of collected waste as well as packaging waste provided by PRO ENVI - PAK and also the quantities recovered and recycled through our system.
We thank all our partners for their trust in the previous year and we look forward to working together in the coming years.