A producer of non-packaging products is a producer of a product that:
- it is not a package and is not intended for packaging,
- waste from this product forms part of municipal waste,
- can be made of the following materials: glass, paper and cardboard and plastic.
Pursuant to Section 73 of Waste Act No. 79/2015 Coll., a producer of non-packaging products is a person who, in the course of their business activity, on the basis of a contractual relationship, including a contractual relationship concluded at a distance:
a) produces or has a non-packaging product produced and places it on the market in the Slovak Republic,
b) transports or has a non-packaging product transported to the territory of the Slovak Republic from another Member State and places it on the market in the Slovak Republic, or
c) imports or has a non-packaging product imported into the territory of the Slovak Republic from a non-Member State and places it on the market in the Slovak Republic.
The placing on the market of a non-packaging product means the first delivery of a non-packaging product from the stage of production, cross-border transport from another Member State to the Slovak Republic or import from a non-Member State to the Slovak Republic to the stage of distribution, consumption or use on the market in the Slovak Republic in the course of a business activity, for a fee or free of charge.

Definition of a non-packaging product
Within the meaning of Section 73(3) of the Waste Act, a non-packaging product is a product that is not packaging or is not intended for packaging and belongs to one of the following product groups and the waste from it will form part of municipal waste:
a) plastic products consisting of PET (excluding raw materials, preforms and fibres for industrial use) and plastic products consisting of PE, PP, PS, PVC, or PA (excluding raw materials, fibres, and products for industrial use).
b) paper and cardboard, imported paper and cardboard products, including polygraphy products, except hygienic and sanitary paper, paper products used for hygienic and sanitary purposes, cigarette paper, carbon copy paper, filter paper, paper and cardboard for the production of tarred or asphalted paper, duty stamps, books.
c) glass, including plate window glass.

Typical representatives of non-packaging products include, without limitation:
- paper products: newspapers, magazines, leaflets, promotional materials, etc., paper and cardboard: newsprint, kraft paper, parchment, envelopes, notebooks, magazines, leaflets, catalogues, calendars, etc; (producers include periodical publishers, printers, flyer print customers, etc.)
- plastic products: kitchen utensils, bathtubs, bags, furniture, toys, etc;
- glass: kitchen, table (glass vases, glasses), office, laboratory; drawn, cast, plate, building glass; jewellery, etc.
Not sure if you fall under the above points? At the PRO ENVI - PAK we will be happy to assist you with additional information and the subsequent compliance with your statutory obligations.